Blog #1 (Aiming for a goal)

Why is it that... we still aim for a goal? What for, when we know it (the goal) won't even last "forever" when we get it/achieve it? Perhaps we truly simply are ever curious to "feel" certain things that we really are able to let go of whatever we "have" in any given moment to "obtain" or pretty much just feel/experience the "new" thing, which we as of the moment refer to as the goal.

"Curiousity killed the cat."

Perhaps if the cat knew it was going to die, whether it was consciously curious or not, maybe the cat should've just devoted it's life into figuring out how not to die.

"Seek ye the Kingdom of God first and all these shall be added unto you."

Religion seem to really be key in terms of giving the "average Joe" the persistence to not easily give up on this human experience. The idea of the After Life or, better yet, the Everlasting Life is truly anything in the realm of "Life"/Existance would very "naturally" crave for, since it, by itself, is running on the fuel we call life.

Life Energy.



Blog #2 (Life Span)

Blog #4 (Women and Men)